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In this portfolio I show illustration and animation content. I love to explore the corners of my imagination and portray it in my artworks and that means exploring the ways I am able to dive into the unknown


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Fungus Lotus

A mystical character who hides itself from predators are people, is one of the few creatures in the magical forest of Antasia that knows every secret cave, property and abyss of the planet. Fungus Lotus is a concept character for the film Pixie and the Lost tribe, a possible character for Pixie's quest along the magical forest.

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Coralis siren

Throughout the poisonous rivers of Antasia, many siren creature lives within it's waters, protecting those that come near, however, punish those that commit unforgivable actions. Coralis Sirens might play a crucial role in Pixie's journey, as her resurrection is nothing but a rebellion against the death keepers themselves...


Night approaches
Mask Off


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