Pixie and the lost tribe is a film being developed in it's first stages of concept. This s tory narrates the magical connection of Earth and Antasia a lost planet near the milky way where human survivals of the civil war of 2300 escape Earth in search for a new start. On their way however they encounter the dangers of the people in this new planet leading them to isolate themselves for 20 years until one day two young individuals change the course of their fate.

A memory of the past and future intro
This first storyboard visualizes the future of Earth and it's collapse during the Civil war of 2300, leading them to mutual distrust and destruction only a few survivals escape taking their course to a new planet.
Sacred tree
Throughout the long journey within the forest, Darah, the enchantress shields the last humans to a portal where they would leave for the next 20 years..
Pixie revival concept
While the storyboard process is experimental, a scene on the film will be portraying how David saves Pixie and restores her body in exchange of his, using music from Pierce in the Veil to enhance the emotion of the scene. We are able to revive a powerful moment in the story.
The arrival to Antasia
As a desperate attempt to escape Earth the ship takes the survivals to a planet far away from their own galaxy, detected only to land on a place that can be habitable by human or animal life. When the ship falls from the sky, a kingdom rises to greet it's newcomers and their newfound brothers.
David and Pixie's encounter
In a blink of an eye 20 years passed in isolation and humans and Antasians never met again. However one day, Pixie finds David as he escapes the kingdom to find the last humans alive.
The gates of home
Early concept of Pixie and the lost tribe presented David to be part of the tribe for a long time soon to reveal he was not human. During this scene David and the explorers find the portal a way to introduce the setting and characters.